Sunday, November 16, 2014

Two socks at a time Little cabled knee socks

Two socks at a time Little cabled knee socks.
Sizes Women's S,M and L (extra small)

Foot Circumference: 7 1/4 (8 1/4, 9 1/4) inches (unstretched)
Calf Circumference (at widest): 9 1/4 (10 1/4, 11 1/4) inches (unstretched)
Foot Length: Adjustable
Height from Heel to Top of Cuff (unfolded): 21 inches (unblocked)
(The photos in this pattern show a size Extra Small.)

Using this method we will be working two at a time toe up knee socks.

Here is a good video for Judy's magic cast on. Toe:

Co using Judy's magic co method 16 sts for each sock (8 each needle each sock)

Round 1:

Sock 1: kfb, k5, kfb, k1
Sock 2: repeat
Sock 2 (other side): repeat
Sock 1 (other side): repeat
(10 sts each side each sock, 20 sts per sock total)

Repeat 4 (8, 12) times until you have 14 ( 22, 30) sts each side each sock and 28 (44, 60) sts total each sock.

Next row knit all stitches both socks.

You will now alternate increase rounds as written above and knit rounds 7 (5, 3) more times you should have 60 (68, 76) total for each sock and 30 (34, 38) sts each sock each side. Or until you have an even number of stitches on your needle and your socks fit your feet around. (Example I have very small feet so I stop at 22 sts each side each sock, or 44 sts total each sock. This is perfect for one size down to fit my size 5 feet. I have provided some limited notes on making extra smalls.)


Knit every round until socks measure 6 (6 3/4, 7 ½) inches long or 2 1/2 (2 3/4, 3) inches shorter desired length from toe to back of heel.

Here's a guideline for final sock lengths:
US size 6 shoe (European 37) = 9 inches
US size 7 shoe (38) = 9 1/4 inches
US size 8 shoe (39) = 9 5/8 inches
US size 9 shoe (40) = 10 inches

Arrange stitches thusly 30 (34, 38) sts for top of feet and {15-15 (17-17, 19-19)} for bottom, place a marker at the middle of the foot bottom.

Heel Gusset:

For this section the first pass will be foot top and return pass will be foot bottom.

Round 1:
Top of foot: Knit
Bottom of feet: K1, kfb, knit to the mid foot marker; Knit to last stitch, kfb, k1.  (2 stitches increased)

Round 2:
Top of foot: Knit
Bottom of the foot: Knit

Repeat Rounds 1 and 2 eight more times (6 more times if you have tiny feet like me). 78 (86, 94) total stitches for foot tops and 30-24-24 (34-26-26, 38-28-28) stitches for foot bottoms

Knit across foot tops.

Turning Heel:
First sock:
Row 1 (right side):
Bottom of the foot to first marker; Knit;
Bottom of the foot from marker on; K7 (9, 11), kfb, wrap and turn. (5 if you have really tiny feet)

Row 2 (wrong side): P16 (20, 24), pfb, wrap and turn. (12 if you have little feet)

Row 3: K14 (18, 22), kfb, wrap and turn. (10 if you have little feet)

Row 4: P12 (16, 20), pfb, wrap and turn. (8 if you have little feet)

Next Row: K18, kfb, wrap and turn.

Next Row: P16, pfb, wrap and turn.

Next Row: K14, kfb, wrap and turn.

Next Row: P12, kfb, wrap and turn.

Next Row: K10, kfb, wrap and turn. (6 if you have little feet)

Next Row: P8, pfb, wrap and turn. (4 if you have little feet, last row)

Next Row: K6, kfb, wrap and turn.

Next Row: P4, pfb, wrap and turn.

(skip ahead for little feet)

Knit to the end of bottom of foot, working the wraps together with the wrapped stitches.

Repeat for second sock.

Knit across top of feet;

Knit across bottom of foot to marker, working the wraps together with the wrapped stitches as you go. 86 (96, 106) total stitches and 30-28-28 (34-31-31, 38-34-34) stitches on each needle

(work next section for foot one and then come back to work bottom of the foot and heel flap on for foot two)

Heel Flap:

NOTE: The Heel Flap is worked over just the stitches on the bottom of the feet. You'll be working back and forth in rows.

Set-Up Row (right side): Stitches after marker: K14 (16, 18), ssk, turn. 85 (95, 105) stitches

Row 1 (wrong side): Working just the stitches on bottom of foot, slip 1, p28 (32, 36), p2tog, turn. 84 (94, 104) stitches

Row 2: *Slip 1, k1, repeat from * to 2 stitches before the gap, slip 1, ssk (the 2 stitches on either side of the gap), turn. (1 stitch decreased)

Row 3: Slip 1, purl to 1 stitch before the gap, p2tog (the 2 stitches on either side of the gap), turn. (1 stitch decreased)

Repeat Rows 2 and 3 eleven (12, 13) more times. 60 (68, 76) total stitches and 30-15-15 (34-17-17, 38-19-19) stitches.

Next Row:
Bottom of the foot: *Slip 1, k1, repeat from * to last stitch before marker, slip 1. *K1, slip 1, repeat from * to last stitch on needle, k1.

Repeat last row of turning the heel along with all of heel flap for second sock.

We will now go back to working in the round.

(For little feet;
Row 1: K across working wrapped sts by picking them up and knitting with the sts; on last wrapped st, sssk the wrapped, the st, and the following st, turn.

Row 2: P across working wrapped sts by picking them up and purling with sts; on the last wrapped st, p3tog the wrap, st and following st, turn.

Next row (RS): Sl1 pwise wyib, k till one st before gap, ssk, turn.

Next row (WS): Sl1 pwise wyif, p till one st before gap, ptog, turn.

Repeat these two rows until you finish decreasing all increased gusset stitches and have 22 stitches again for bottom of foot.

Repeat for second foot, then work leg.)

The Leg:

Set-Up Round 1:
Top of foot: Knit;
Bottom of foot to marker: Knit to last 3 stitches, p1, k2;
Bottom of foot, marker to end: K2, p1, slip these 3 stitches to before marker, knit to end. 30-18-12 (34-20-14, 38-22-16) stitches.

Set-Up Round 2:
Top of foot: Knit;
Bottom of foot to marker: Knit to last 6 stitches, p1, k4, p1;
Bottom of foot marker to end: Knit.

Cable Round 1:
Top of foot: Knit;
Bottom of foot to marker: Knit to last 6 stitches, p1, make cable (see How to Make the Cable bellow), p1;
Bottom of foot marker to end: Knit.

How to Make the Cable

Make Cable: Slip 2 stitches purlwise to cable stitch holder and hold in the front of the work; knit next 2 stitches from double pointed needle; knit the 2 stitches from the holder.

Rounds 2-4:
Top of foot: Knit;
Bottom of foot to marker: Knit to last 6 stitches, p1, k4, p1;
Bottom of the foot marker to end: Knit.

Repeat Rounds 1-4 eight more times.

+Increase Cable Round:

Top of foot: Knit;
Bottom of the foot to marker: Knit to last 7 stitches, m1r, k1, p1, make cable, p1;
Bottom of foot marker to end: K1, m1l, knit to end. (2 stitches increased)
Repeat Rounds 2-4.

*Work a Cable Round.
Repeat Rounds 2-4.

Repeat from * 1 more time.

Repeat from +, 7 more times. 76 (84, 92) total stitches and 30-26-20 (34-28-22, 38-30-24) stitches on each needle.

**Work a Cable Round.
Repeat Rounds 2-4.

Repeat from ** 4 more times, ending last repeat with Round 3.

The Cuff:

Round 1: *K2, p2, repeat from * to end of round.

Repeat Round 1 until cuff measures 5 inches.

Slip one sock onto scrap yarn or spare needles and Bind off loosely in rib pattern, repeat for second sock using same needles.


Weave in ends, block and enjoy.

All original credit to Purl Soho at The Purl Bee
Link to the original pattern can be found here...

All changes and additions credit to Lae Morae at Full Knitted Jacket

(c)Lae Morae / Adina Higdon of Full Knitted Jacket, September 2014

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